W e b s i t e | M u l t i m e d i a
Streaming previews
The New Coloradans is a website and television documentary produced, in Colorado, as a companion to the PBS national series The New Americans.
Controversial Issues On-Air and Online
Move from myth to reality as hot issues about Colorado immigrants and their impact are explored. Who are the more than 370,000 foreign-born people who now live in Colorado? Why have so many immigrated there since 1990?
Insightful Research, Engaging Results
In addition to promoting the documentary, the site educates visitors about changes in Colorado population, citizenship and languages. Streaming television previews and summaries highlight controversies, such as immigration’s influence on the job market and school system. Designed with information and interaction in mind, content includes a wealth of resources for immigrants (organized by Colorado regions), an online poll and discussion board. |