Website Resource
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Website Form and Function
Quality websites integrate well-designed page layouts with underlying coding, giving websites the ability to function effectively. This process involves a number of steps including conducting usability studies, creating target market strategies, planning color schemes, defining CSS styles, organizing navigational schemes, writing website text, optimizing photos for the Internet and refining pages for optimal download times. Websites use various types of coding, such as HTML, XML, JavaScript, Java, Perl, PHP or other languages, to create the form and interactivity of the website. Database and e-commerce solutions can also be built into the website. The following links provide resources that may be helpful in this process.
Website Glossary
eMarketing Glossary of Terms
Domain Names
Network Solutions WHOIS WHOIS Search provides domain name registration information, including registrant information, DNS, and expiration dates. Search by domain names and IP addresses.
Network Solutions Domain name registration. Look-up domain names and register if available.
GoDaddy.com Search for available domain names and register domain online.
NameCheap Set up domain name registration and transfers
Web Hosting
Host Monster Website hosting, email and domain name registration services. Register for two years to receive the best price for website hosting.
Website Standards and Coding
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Content development standards for the web.
W3C Markup Validation Service Verify accuracy of website coding.
Special Characters HTML coding for commonly used special characters.
CSS Validation Services Validate website Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and XHTML or HTML documents with style sheets.
Semantic Data Extractor View semantic data in html documents. Semantically-rich HTML improves intelligibility with user agents, increasing the value of website documents.
RDF Validator Check and visualize RDF documents.
Feed Validator Analyze the syntax of website Atom or RSS feeds.
XML Sitemap Generator Create sitemaps in XML, HTML and TXT files.
Link Checker Find broken links on websites.
Website Design
Internet Archive Wayback Machine Review archived website designs. The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and cultural artifacts in digital form.
designinteract.com Communication Arts' website focuses on multimedia and technology for creative professionals. The website includes feature articles, site of the week, design insights and additional resources.
Emigre Digital fonts foundry. Beautifully designed fonts in a wide range of styles. The designs are leading edge, sometimes experimental and inspiring.
My Fonts Search for stylized fonts from a large list of type designers. Give a website style and "personality" by using these fonts in website graphics. Review font samples to evaluate which fonts will work well in website graphics. This link takes you directly to Neville Brody's My Font collection. Neville Brody, a highly respected UK digital designer, creates many fonts with strong lines that work well on websites. (Neville Brody's font, Insignia, is one of the fonts used on the Skoubo Graphics website.)
Font Lab Create your own website fonts with software from Font Lab.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Meta Tag Analyzer Assess website title, description, keyword, robot and author meta tags
Link Popularity Checker Learn how each search engine ranks inbound links to a website. Compare up to three URLs at a time.
Web Directories
Web Hosting Guide Virginia website design companies
The Web Design Network Worldwide directory of web designers
Website Security
Verisign SSL certificates for e-commerce websites
Thawte Website and server security guidelines, SSL certificates
DRM and Digital Media Protection with Flash Media Server Protect your website audio and video content using Flash and Flash Server
Adobe Flash Security and Adobe Enterprise Solutions (PDF) Adobe's Flash security model, authentication and security solutions
Adobe Flash Player 9 Security (PDF) A detailed guide about the security features of Adobe Flash Player 9