Flash Tips, Tutorials and Resources Skoubo Graphics occasionally hears from designers inquiring about how specific Flash projects were developed. We encourage an environment of shared knowledge and creative thinking. The following tips, tutorials and resources address some of the frequently asked questions about developing Flash content. We have also included links to some of our favorite Flash sites.
Train Simple's Flash 8 VideoView eight Flash tutorials covering key elements of Flash-based game development, including parallax scrolling, character movement using trigonometry, dynamically loading enemies via XML and adding sound to the game. Host Jiro Ietaka does a great job of clearly explaining important game concepts such as acceleration vs. velocity and gravity simulation.
Designing and Animating Characters in Flash 8 Chris Georgenes' best-kept secrets about complex animation of characters in Flash. His step-by-step process has great information about drawing, working with symbols, cleaning up sketches and the art of using "2.5D" in Flash.